Acerca de

I live in the Ivy Drive neighborhood in Orinda. Driving is usually best, although the County Connection bus stops at the bottom of my street, at the end of a bracing half mile uphill walk. There is plenty of street parking. It is walkable from OIS, Del Rey and Miramonte, and classes that run during the school year are scheduled to give students enough time to get up the hill after school. Students enter our writing space from the gate at the left of the house, which opens five minutes before class begins. If you need to drop of your child earlier on any given day, please text me at 415 609 3375 to confirm that I'll be there.
Cancellations/Makeup Classes
If a student is unwell and can't attend class, or has a COVID diagnosis or near exposure, they are encouraged to attend class or camp on ZOOM. If I'm unable to hold a class, a make up class is scheduled for the week of May 25th.
If your child decides after the first class that they don't want to continue. I will refund the full amount.
What to Bring
Since we mostly meet outside, I recommend layers (although, unlike me, the kids never seem to get cold!) I also recommend that kids come with a notebook and their preferred writing implement, though I always have extras on hand when kids forget.
Rules of Conduct
Students are expected to be kind to one another and to keep the feedback positive. We go through the ground rules of kind engagement at the first class and whenever new students are added.
Classes are held unmasked outdoors whenever possible, in my garden, where there is plenty of room for distancing. We follow the OUSD guidelines for indoor classes: students are masked, sliding door remains open, air filtration is on.
Partial or Full Scholarships
May be available, please reach out to me to discuss.